Events Schedule

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DROP LIST (Invasion)

CountDown Invasions:

Press the 'J' in-game hotkey to open the invasion window;

Sallamander: Debenter
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud + Pentagrama 180 (2sk-4skt)

Metal Balrog: Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland (Random)
DROP - Miracle Coin + Mithril + Ruud + Feather, Crest, W2.5 Combination Items; Special Jewel Random
Undine: Ubaid/Alkaamar
DROP - Ancient Item + Ruud + Elemental Rune or Mithril; Special Jewel Random + Miracle Coin

Hellraiser UrukMountain/Nars
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud

Gnome Inv: Ferea
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud

White Wizard: Devias
DROP - 1000 Ruud + 200 GP + 50 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Cursed King: Losttower
DROP - 1000 Ruud + 200 GP + 10 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Hydra: Atlans
DROP - 300 GP + 5 WCoin + Drop Jewel + Miracle Coin + Jewel Custom

Red Dragon: Lorencia,Devias,Noria
DROP - 600 Ruud + 300 GP + 5 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Alpha Crust: Icarus
DROP - 600 Ruud + 300 GP + 8 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Kentaurus: Kanturu 2
DROP - 600 Ruud + 300 GP + 8 WCoin + Drop Box Chocolate Pink/Red + BoL (Greater)

Red Monkey: Tarkan
DROP - 800 Ruud + 300 GP + 9 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Hideous Rabbit: Elbeland
DROP - 1000 Ruud + 200 GP + 5 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Green Pig: Deep Dungeon 1
DROP - 300 GP + 8 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Witch Queen: Aida
DROP - 300 GP + 8 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Ruthless Lava Giant: Vulcanus
DROP - 300 GP + 8 WCoin + Drop Jewel + BoL (Greater)

Nixies Inv: Nixies Lake
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud

Deep Inv: Deep Dungeon
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud

Dark Inv: Swamp of Darkness
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud​​​​​​​

KMine: Kubera Mine
DROP - Special Jewel Random, + Jewel + Ruud

Elite Abyssal: Abyssal Atlans 3
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc

Elite Canyon: Scorched Canyon
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Temple: Crimson Icarus
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Temple: Arenil Temple
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Ashen: Ashen Aida
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Burning: Burning Kethotum
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Ignis: Ignis Volcano
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Blood: Blood Tarkan
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Tormenta: Tormenta Island
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Twisted: Twisted Karutan
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc​​​​​​​

Elite Temple: Kardamahal Temple
DROP - Jewel Custom  + Guardian Enhanced + Uriel Feather + Ability Decision + Temple Stone + Ruud + Item Exc

Muuns: Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland, Devias (Random); Losttower, Icarus, Aida, Kalima5 (Random); Kanturu, Kalima7, Swamp, Raklion (Random)
DROP - Ruud + Muuns PET


Respawn (Quest Monsters):

Ice Queen: Devias ~ 4h (DROP: Jewels)
Balrog: Losttower ~ 6h (DROP: Jewels)
Hydra: 8h ~ Atlans (DROP: Jewels)
Skeleton King: Elbeland/Noria ~ 12h (DROP: Exc Items)
Gorgon: Lorencia/Dungeon ~ 12h (DROP: Exc Items)
Red Dragon: Lorencia/Noria ~ 12h (DROP: Exc Items)
