Events Schedule

Game client 1.90Gb

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Top Guilds


Ice Temple & Tower of Greed & Guild vs Guild (Event PVP)

Ice Temple Event

Battle in the snow where only the best warriors on the FastMU continent will be divided into two teams. And they must conquer the bases and thus accelerate the accumulation of points to stay ahead of the opponent.

The Event:

  • The event has 3 bases, 1 side base for each team and a central (neutral) base
  • Teams are chosen randomly in the preparation phase
  • Members of the same team cannot attack each other
  • Keep your statues safe and score points for your team
  • Each side base can spawn (2 statues) & central base (4 statues)
  • Even if the statue is from your team, you can also cause damage

How to play:

  • To spawn a statue, remain still in the center of the base during the countdown
  • Each statue conquered accelerates team score
  • Destroyed statues can be respawned


Use /icetemple command to access preparation area

Chances increase with 'Sign of Lord' delivered to NPC


Saturday at 15:00
Sunday at 09:00

Monster Evolution

Event held on the continent of 'Noria' where monsters evolve through levels

The Event:

  • Starts with level 1 monsters in the area
  • Rewards based on captured monster levels

How to play:

Attract monster pairs to evolve (2x level 1 → level 2, 2x level 2 → level 3)


Event occurs on 'Noria' map with in-game notifications

Tower of Greed

Turn-based PVM event with monster waves and boss battles

The Event:

Remake of Devil Square with new challenges and better rewards

How to play:

Defeat monster waves before timer ends


Daily at 08:00 and 20:00

Waves 1-5

  • Wave 1: Skeleton King x3
  • Wave 2: Red Dragon x5
  • Wave 3: Ice Queen x10
  • Wave 4: Balrog x10
  • Wave 5: Hydra x10

Waves 6-10

  • Wave 6: Gorgon x10
  • Wave 7: Golden Iron Knight x7
  • Wave 8: Illusion x5
  • Wave 9: Kundum x3
  • Wave 10: Jellyfish x3

Guild vs Guild

Massive guild war where the highest scoring guild becomes champion

The Event:

  • Guild Master must enter first
  • Winning guild and top killers receive rewards
  • Each guild has own base for organization

How to play:

Earn points by killing enemy members (higher ranks give more points)


Sunday 11:00
Saturday 13:00

Always follow the game clock
